Everything will be Peremoga (Victory)! Collecting funds to help evacuees and old women affected by the war
#Grandma's hares
The project about upcycling: DOGODA
The project about what is needed every day: Regular supply of hygienic care products.

Charitable Foundation «Nasha Peremoga»

“Nasha Peremoga” is a charitable foundation that, since November 2013, has been constantly taking care of a home for the elderly in the village of Peremoga, Baryshiv district, Kyiv region.

The foundation supports the house in Peremoga in the format of holidays with gifts, entertainment, and rehabilitation programs. Regular supply of products and essential goods to the residents of the building is also carried out, major overhauls and current repair works are carried out. We are implementing a pilot project to restore communication between generations – “The Grandma’s Hares” project in the cities of Baryshivka and Ukrainka, Kyiv region; Lutsk, Volin’ region; Ivano-Frankivsk, Dnipro. The expansion of the project is planned in other cities of Ukraine.

Our History

Charitable foundation is registered on November 13, 2014 by an initiative group of like-minded people.

Our Mission

We exist to help with our philanthropic actions to reconnect the generations for the victory of wisdom, kindness and love in our society. We strive to develop charity in Ukraine, implementing projects aimed at helping lonely elderly people and persons with special needs for the sake of dignity and joy of life

We take care of a home for the elderly in the village of Peremoga, Baryshiv district, Kyiv region. We develop projects to restore communication between generations in Baryshivka, Ukrainka


Our Projects


#Peremozhni_Rukhanky  (victorious_exercises in English) is a project that our foundation has been implementing for a long time to make life […]

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Recycled Rugs – upcycling project of making carpets by people with disabilities using wooden frames of different sizes. Valery Stelmakh […]

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Revival of Peremoha 2022

This is a temporary program aimed at restoring the full functioning of a home for the elderly in the village […]

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Grandma’s Hares

CO CF ” Nasha Peremoha ” invites you to join the joint implementation of the social project “Grandmothers hares” in […]

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We need your help

You can provide one-time donation for the current needs of the fund or make monthly donations of any amount.

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If you wish, you can specify the name of the project you want to support.

Regular monthly donations are a guarantee of timely, appropriate assistance and effective planning of activities.


Our volunteers say

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If you want to join the activities of the "Nasha Peremoha" Foundation, become a volunteer for any of our projects, please fill out the form and join us!

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    Я хочу допомогти:

    News and Events



    On June 18, we visited the Peremoga village. There were two tasks: to record a training video for the participants […]

    “Ranok Vdoma” about Grandma’s Hares Project

    “Ranok Vdoma” about Grandma’s Hares Project

    On the third birthday of the Grandma’s Hares project of the Our Victory Foundation, the event was attended by volunteers […]

    Birthday of the “Grandma’s Hares” project!

    Birthday of the “Grandma’s Hares” project!

    On Tuesday, May 14, the Grandma’s Hares project turned three years old! Three years of fruitful work by the whole […]

    #Життя-буття_story (#Life-being_story)

    interviews with those who live in a home for the elderly

    Малькова Валентина Михайлівна, резидент будинку людей поважного віку в селі Перемога. Дата народження 8.05.1947 р.

        Якщо ви хоть колись стикались з будинками для людей поважного віку, то знаєте, що там можна зустріти жінок […]

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    Марія Миколаївна Нижник 19.02.1928 с. Веселинівка Дата прибуття: 18.06.2020

    Марія Миколаївна Нижник – особлива людина. Як подивишся на неї, око радіє. Їй вже 96-ий рік, але, як заїдеш в […]

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    Коржук Ганна Василівна, 20.03.48, Верховина, Івано-Франківська область

    І.: Як виникла ідея створити музей-сироварню? Г. В.: Давайте спочатку про перший розкажу музей, бо ж нього все і почалося. […]

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    Зинаїда Олексіївна, резидент будинку для людей похилого віку в с. Перемога, 89 років

    С тонкими, почти аристократичными чертами, мраморной кожей и ярко-серыми глазами, она кажется каким-то отпрыском графского роду, впавшим в нищету после революции и вообще не принадлежащим нашей эпохе. Опрятно и даже изысканно причесана, одета хорошо, как это может быть в ее положении и возрасте.

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    • +38 097 3154316
    • +38 050 3790909
    • team@nashaperemoga.com.ua
    • 7B Tymoshenko Str., app. 35, Kyiv, 04212
    © 2014- 2024 Charitable Foundation "Nasha Peremoga" | User agreement | Privacy policy