Grandma’s Hares

CO CF ” Nasha Peremoha ” invites you to join the joint implementation of the social project “Grandmothers hares” in all regions and cities of Ukraine.

The project has been operating since May 2021 in Ukrainska UTC (united territorial community) and the city of Ukrainka, Kyiv region according to memorandum between the ” Nasha Peremoha ” Foundation, Ukrainian City Council, Institute of the Third Age, the Organization of veterans of war, labor and of the military service of Ukraine in the Ukrainka city and the Fraction PP “Golos” in the Ukrainian City Council.

In May 2022, a memorandum about cooperation with the Juvenile Prevention Department of National Police of Ukraine was signed. Already 130 hares joined the ranks of the police. With the beginning of a full-scale war, bunnies help police officers in work with children who have suffered from military operations, lost parents or survived occupation or those who are temporarily in shelters.

The “Grandma’s Hares” project is completely voluntary, charitable contributions are used for the purchase of materials.

The project “Grandma’s Hares” – hugs of care from grandmother to child.

Residents of homes for the elderly, female students of Institutes of the Third Age, and elderly people make hares from socks according to a certain scheme, which are called “Grandma’s Hares” – extremely touching soft toys intended for children who find themselves in a stressful situations, have suffered violence or witnessed a traumatic event and simply need the care of reliable caring adults.

Hares are used for grounding, emotional stabilization and psychological first aid in many situations: in cases of all types of violence, including domestic violence, traffic accidents and fires, when the parents of a child are arrested, when children are confused and do not understand what is happening. Bunnies can be used to provide comfort and reassurance, to create a safe environment, and to show the child that police officers, firefighters, rescuers are not the “scary” ones and they are ready to help and can be trusted, and also that there are grandmothers in the community, in the country, who, even if remotely, give their share of love and support.
With the beginning of a full-scale war, bunnies help the police in their work with children who suffered from military actions, lost their parents or survived the occupation, or those who are temporarily in shelters.

Stages of the project:
1. At the first stage, all interested elderly people can take part in master classes on making such toys with a craftswoman from the “Nasha Peremoha” Foundation. Then a craftswoman appears in the community and she teaches new project participants. We provide assistance and support to craftsmen throughout the entire project.
2. The toys are given to juvenile prevention officers for use in working with affected children to establish contact and their emotional stabilization.

The project is important for three categories:

1) For the elderly.
The goal is to enable the elderly, especially lonely people, to live according to their values ​​of caring for others, to be involved in useful social activities and to feel involved in good deeds, to support the connection of generations – “Embrace care from grandmother to child”. Spending time making toys with people who share similar values compensates for possible social isolation and lack of close relationships with people of the same age, and also provides an opportunity to realize creative abilities and learn new skills. The main thing is the psychological well-being of the elderly, which includes satisfaction from fulfilling life, obtaining a positive result of one’s activities, experiencing life as full and meaningful.

2) For children.
The goal is to be part of the first psychological aid for children who have suffered trauma or witnessed a traumatic situation: to ensure safety, to reduce stress reactions, to help the child develop stress coping skills

3) For juvenile police officers.
The goal is to help establish initial contact and communication with the child, distracting the child from what happening around them during the incident. To be auxiliary in improving the image of law enforcement agencies, supporting preventive measures activities of the police, conducive to increasing trust and forming a message to the child: “A police officer is a friend. If you are in danger, contact the police officer. He/she will help.”

Examples of similar projects “Trauma Bear/Trauma Teddys*” in other countries: Holland, Estonia, Great Britain, Canada, Taiwan.

*According to the Red Cross, the Trauma Teddies concept was created in 1990 by then-Chief of Campbelltown Ambulance Richard Hamilton. The officer saw the ambulance in Camden give baby bear, and was immediately impressed by the toy’s calming effect.




coordinator of the “Grandma’s Hares” project is Violetta Churykova
volunteer of BF “Nasha Peremoha”

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