Independence Day 2024

Independence Day 2024

The Foundation’s team traditionally celebrates the Independence Day of Ukraine in the village Peremoga with a watermelon picnic with elderly friends and people with disabilities who live in a specialized facility there.

We go, first of all, for communication and hugs, which are very welcome by the residents, staff and guests of the home for the elderly and disabled.

We bring juice, fruit, tea, coffee, sugar and certain individual orders, and most importantly, watermelons. It’s a picnic, it’s the season, and it’s our habit to bring watermelons to Peremoga on August 24.

We also buy the necessary equipment and goods for the daily uninterrupted reliable operation of the institution’s systems and for household purposes. This time, we delivered ultraviolet anti-bacterial irradiators, radios, batteries, as well as medicines and food for a balanced diet for our wards.

We always return to Kyiv happy and not empty-handed: from Valeriy Stelmakh we bring his handmade eco-mats, from Nadiya Hryhorivna we bring ideas and hopes for her new collections of poetry and prose. By the way, you can buy books, rugs, and many other interesting things that are born in our projects at DOGODA SHOP. In this way, you will help to ensure a decent and joyful life for the elderly and people with disabilities and get unique things to use or give as a gift.

Some photos from the trip here

  • +38 097 3154316
  • +38 050 3790909
  • 7B Tymoshenko Str., app. 35, Kyiv, 04212
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