Grandma’s Hares, the flagship project of our foundation, is 2 years old!

Grandma’s Hares, the flagship project of our foundation, is 2 years old!

The birthday was celebrated in May, when we held the first master class for students of the Institute of the Third Age in the city of Ukrayinka, Kyiv region, where Grandma’s Hares began to actively and continuously develop and scale. We really wanted to celebrate this day together with all the inspired participants and our favourite ambassadors of the project: almost the entire team of our foundation met the leadership of the Juvenile Police of Ukraine and representatives of the Third Age Institutes from the city of Ukrainka and from the city of Lutsk, led by the charming and energetic directors of these institutions Lesya Dzebchuk and Kateryna Melnyk.


We talked, greeted each other, thanked each other and exchanged experiences, enjoyed cakes from the foundation and the Juvenile Police of Ukraine, had a picnic and took pictures in the oldest city of Ukraine – Vytachiv.


Our super-responsible and mega-sympathetic partners from the Juvenile Police of Ukraine received a special collection of toy ears to celebrate the project’s anniversary, which will go to the White Angel in Donetsk Oblast, a special evacuation unit.


As a reminder, in the Grandma’s Hares project, we teach elderly people how to make toy hares. These toys are handed over to juvenile prevention officers to be used in their work with children who have suffered or witnessed traumatic situations, for emotional stabilization and to establish contact. As of May 2023, the project covers 17 regions of Ukraine. In total, police officers have donated more than 600 soft toys to children who have witnessed traumatic events.

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