Birthday of the “Grandma’s Hares” project!

Birthday of the “Grandma’s Hares” project!

On Tuesday, May 14, the Grandma’s Hares project turned three years old!

Three years of fruitful work by the whole team, which creates special and important things side by side!

For three years, the Hares have been giving hope, support, and care to little children!

We couldn’t help but spend this day with the people who are extremely important to us, so we invited our branch masters, police representatives, and our team to the celebration. Acquaintances and communication filled the hall, the girls shared their ideas and plans for the future, dreamed and just had a great time together!

We are grateful to everyone who is an important cog in the huge machine of goodness – the masters, juvenile police officers, volunteers, and everyone who joined in. Without you, there would be no “Grandma’s Hares”

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